Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Guess what I got...

I finally got an alarm system! I am so excited about this one! Before I moved into my house I knew I wanted to get an alarm system since I would be living alone. But, I figured I would hold out and see how scared I would be without one. I have lived here now for 3 months and I'm not near as scared as I thought I would be but I'm still not completely comfortable living alone. There are still times when I wake up in the middle of the night and get freaked out because I think I hear things coming from inside the house and then it takes me forever to get back to sleep because I'm paranoid! I do feel much safer with Sophie because she lets me know right away when she hears something out of the ordinary. But, I'm always scared that someone will be waiting for me in my house when I get home. Remember, I'm a worrier! So, I was happy when I received a letter in the mail from ADT about a promotion they were having with a $99 install. I thought about how much safer I would feel by getting one so I decided to call them just to get more info. After talking to the ADT guy, I was excited about everything this package included and figured I would end up getting it but I told him I would think about it and call back. Of course, this is when they trap you!! He told me that if I went ahead and signed up today then he would reimburse me for the $99 installation fee. I knew I wanted to do it so I went ahead and said OK! He told me someone could come to my house and install it the next day! I couldn't wait!

The best thing about this package is that it comes with this nifty key chain remote that will set or disarm the alarm from my car or anywhere else! It also has a panic button, so if I pull into my garage and a bad guy is in the waiting for me then I just hit the panic button and the alarm will go off!

The guy that installed my alarm was real nice. He gave me an extra yard sign and like 20 window stickers and I was only supposed to get one sign and 2 stickers! He said the signs alone are a huge deterrent and a lot of people even offer him money to buy signs and stickers from him! I just looked on eBay and 3 stickers are selling for $30! That's crazy! I won't be selling mine! Trust me, I will have a sticker on every window! Ha!

I have only had the alarm system for about 3 hours but I already feel so much safer! Also, having an alarm system will decrease my home insurance by up to 20%! I definitely think it is worth it! So, for all you bad guys out there: Don't mess with my house!!!