Monday, September 21, 2009

Sophie is 6 months today!!

Today my baby girl is 6 months old today (3 1/2 in people years)!!

I got her some of her favorite treats!

She loves this little green squeaky toy! This is her 2nd one because she plays so much with it that the first one was worn out!

Her new collar! Kate had bought her a new collar a while back so I decided it was time to put it on since she was almost grown out of her first one!

Here she is laying on the vent playing with her toy! Her favorite things to do!

She now loves to sit at the kitchen table and look out the front window. She usually follows me everywhere around the house but when she isn't right beside me, this is where I find her!

There was a man walking his dog so she went crazy! She sits back on her hind legs and gets all fluffy!

Happy 6 month birthday Sophie girl! Momma loves you!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I'm not a big Obama fan but this made my day!

Obama Caught on Tape Talking about Kanye

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Almost done!

So, I have been working really really hard on my bathroom with the spare time that I have! All that is left to do is buy a nickel shower rod to match the shower hooks and then find a mirror that is the right size to go above the vanity, which has been very hard to find! I'm going to go a couple more places tomorrow and if I can't find one then I might have to order the mirror and then get a frame to fit it. I can't wait to post the AFTER pictures. It looks completely different and I love it! Oh yeah....I am also very proud of myself because I bought a drill and used it! I had to hang a new towel bar and toilet paper holder so I learned how to use the drill and did it myself! Since then, I have also hung curtain rods in the bedrooms. I will post pictures soon!