Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's official!

Wow! What a busy weekend so far!! We got done early tonight so I thought I would try and update everyone on what was going on! Friday morning, I closed on my house at 10:00! I was so ready! I signed my name so much that my fingers were hurting!! I'm now a homeowner!

By the time I got to my NEW house my brother Blake had already mowed my yards which I was so thankful for! At first, I was kind of overwhelmed with everything but once everyone got there to help it got a lot better!!! Amber starting texturing my walls right away! I cant wait to see them once they are painted, I know they will look great!

Blake did most of my yard work and it looks amazing now! It made a huge difference once all of the dead tree branches and overgrown bushes were gone. It took 4 truck loads to haul off the branches!! The backyard looked like a completely different yard when he was done! The first picture of the backyard was taken through the screen so the quality is bad, but it's pretty obvious how BAD the backyard was. You couldn't even see my shed!!

My mom and I painted the kitchen and cabinets with help from Kate and Meredith.

I got a new garage door installed. The old one was a manual garage and just didn't look very nice so the new one looks so much better. I wanted to take a picture of it while it was in process!

My dad ran a bunch of errands picking up things everyone needed and hauling things off. Even my grandma came over to help! Today we got a lot done. We finished painting the kitchen. Amber finished texturizing the living room and entry hall and started on my bedroom. We will start painting tomorrow once it all dries. My mom started to tile my closet and even Ty helped pick staples out of the ground where the old carpet was. Me and Blake went and picked out tile and he started tileing the bathroom floors. Chase, Kate's husband, also came over to help Blake lay tile. I'm so thankful that my brother is such a handy-man! He has done so much work, I feel guilty that he is doing all of this for me! I owe him and Amber big!!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there were 7 stray cats that came with my new home! I have seen at least 3 or 4 of them every time I have gone over there. They came out every once in a while when we were working. Most of them are scared of people but one black one let me pet him for a while. My grandma brought food over for them and they ate a whole bowl full in half of a day. I feel bad for them. I want to feed them so they won't be hungry, but I also don't want 7 unspayed or unneutered cats laying around my yard all day. I don't know what I will do with them, but for now they are cute! Hopefully they will get used to me.

I will post some before and after pictures once we are done with everything. For now I will just keep yall updated on what we are doing. I can't wait til it is all finished!

1 comment:

  1. You live right down the street from us girl! I thought that was you I saw working hard! Derek and I live across the street and a few houses down...4423. I'll have to come say hi to ya sometime! Derek is pretty darn handy and he has done a ton of cool stuff to our house so let us know if we can be any help! Oh and about the cats...I think the previous owners left food out because they all used to be sitting on the front porch when we would drive by. Good luck with that!
